
Desiree’s Matcha Latte

Desiree’s Matcha Latte
1 tsp of Matcha (I use Encha latte grade)
¼  teaspoon of Cinnamon or ¼ teaspoon of Cardamom
2 tsp of lukewarm filtered water
¼ cup of hemp milk
¾ cup of hot filtered water (165 to 175 F)
1 tsp of maple syrup
*I use a 15oz Hasami mug for my matcha lattes.
Place 1 tsp of matcha in a mug along with a  ¼ teaspoon of  the spice of your choice I normally use cinnamon or cardamom. 
Use 2 teaspoons of lukewarm filtered water and add to your matcha mixture already in the mug.  Use a whisk to make a loose paste.   I use this one .
Add your ¼ cup of hemp milk and whisk till blended.
Boil your water to 165 to 170F.  I use this wonderful kettle and I use the 165F setting.
Add your maple syrup or if you want to go unsweetened do it!
Add water and whisk till you see a nice froth.
Drink and enjoy!
**The products and companies I listed are not paying me to promote their items.  The items listed are just items I enjoy, have and use regularly.